Introduction to A Society

A Society (and all companies within the A Society Group, hereinafter referred to as “A Society”) is committed to having a positive impact on economic, environmental and social issues within our industry. To achieve this, all our suppliers should understand and comply with this Code of Conduct.


A Society’s Code of Conduct (hereinafter referred to as the “Supplier Code”) applies to all our suppliers, including subcontractors, consultants, distributors and agents (hereinafter referred to as “Suppliers”). The Supplier Code is mandatory for all A Society suppliers and is based on industry standards and established international frameworks.



Compliance with industry standards & established international frameworks

Suppliers shall at all times comply with the laws and regulations of the countries in which they operate, and obtain and maintain all necessary licenses and permits relevant to their business. Where applicable law imposes higher requirements than the provisions of this Supplier Code, suppliers are required to comply with the applicable law.



Regulations (other than national laws) that must be followed by suppliers are

  • International Labor Organization Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work.


  • United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights.


Suppliers must also be able to demonstrate that they comply with all legal obligations such as (but not limited to) payment of taxes, environmental regulations, accounting and social security contributions.



Working conditions/working environment

Suppliers must protect both employees and visitors at their workplaces. In addition to applicable health and safety laws, our suppliers are required to take the necessary precautions to protect everyone from workplace accidents, occupational diseases, communicable diseases and other possible hazards.



Zero tolerance for alcohol and drugs

All work performed by suppliers must be carried out without the influence of alcohol or drugs (narcotics or non-medical use of medicines).



Employment contract

Suppliers’ employees shall be provided with a written employment contract setting out the terms and conditions of employment.



Freedom of association and the right to collective bargaining

Suppliers are required to recognize and respect employees’ rights to freedom of association and collective bargaining (in accordance with applicable law).



Fair pay and remuneration

Suppliers’ employees shall be protected by legal requirements and/or levels in accordance with a central collective agreement covering working time, remuneration, vacation, sick leave and parental leave. Wages should be paid regularly and directly to the employee in accordance with the employment contract.



Suppliers are expected to exercise a zero tolerance approach to discrimination, harassment or unfavorable treatment based on gender, age, ethnic origin, religion, pregnancy, minorities or other protected characteristics. They should also strive for diversity and recruitment on ethical grounds.



Child labor

A Society does not allow any form of child labor. Suppliers are required to work against all forms of child labor.



Modern slavery and forced labor

A Society does not allow forced labor or illegal practices. All workers should have the right to freely enter and exit their employment.




Suppliers shall provide an anonymous whistleblowing function for their employees to report possible violations of this Code.



Environment & climate impact

Suppliers should work to reduce negative environmental impacts through actions such as sustainable energy, waste reduction and biodiversity promotion.



Affärsetik och arbete mot korruption


A Society åtar sig att kontinuerligt verka med transparens, förtroende och integritet.

Oavsett om det avser företag eller individ är korruption, utpressning eller mutor inte acceptabelt i vår organisation. Denna inställning gäller alla marknader där A Society verkar och alla våra affärsrelationer.


Leverantörer åläggs att inte erbjuda, lova, ge, begära, acceptera eller gå med på att ta emot betydande gåvor eller underhållning (inklusive evenemang, resor och andra researrangemang) till eller från tredje part.


Leverantörer åläggs att följa handelssanktioner, exportkontrollagar och förordningar som gäller för vår verksamhet, samt relevanta ekonomiska sanktioner.



Fair competition

Suppliers’ employees should manage their personal and financial interests in a way that ensures that they do not conflict, or be perceived to conflict, with the supplier’s business.

Relationships with business partners, such as subcontractors, must also not be exploited for the employee’s own personal gain.



Conflicts of interest

Suppliers’ employees should manage their personal and financial interests in a way that ensures that they do not conflict, or be perceived to conflict, with the supplier’s business. In addition, relationships with business partners, such as subcontractors, must not be exploited for the employee’s own personal gain.



Counterfeit parts

Suppliers are expected to develop, implement and maintain effective methods and processes appropriate to their products to minimize the risk of introducing counterfeit parts and materials into end products.



Intellectual property rights

Suppliers shall protect A Society and its customers’ intellectual property rights, trade secrets and confidential information (including personal data and personally identifiable information)



Indigenous peoples

Suppliers and partners shall respect the rights of indigenous and tribal peoples and their social, cultural, environmental and economic interests, including their connection to land and other natural resources. The supplier recognizes the necessity of preserving people’s natural way of life and shall not participate in the illegal eviction or deprivation of land, forests and water.




An audit may be carried out in the form of self-assessments and/or on-site audits by A Society staff or a third party appointed or approved by A Society. The audit includes health and safety inspection, interviews with employees and access to accurate and comprehensive documentation regarding compliance with the Supplier Code.




A Society has the right to request information from suppliers to verify that they are acting in accordance with this Supplier Code. The information must be provided to enable A Society to fulfill its supply chain control, reporting and verification obligations. Suppliers are obliged to respond to such requests fully and promptly.



A Society has the right to terminate contracts with suppliers that do not comply with the provisions of this Supplier Code or applicable laws.


By signing the Assignment Agreement, suppliers also accept and comply with A Society’s Supplier Code of Conduct.