A Society's anonymous whistleblower
To detect any wrongdoing within our organization, we encourage whistleblowing through Visslan, a whistleblowing channel that guarantees your anonymity through encrypted information and without tracking IP addresses.
A Society's anonymous whistleblower
To detect any wrongdoing within our organization, we encourage whistleblowing through Visslan, a whistleblowing channel that guarantees your anonymity through encrypted information and without tracking IP addresses.
To detect any wrongdoing within our organization, we encourage whistleblowing through Visslan, a whistleblowing channel that guarantees your anonymity through encrypted information and without tracking IP addresses.
You can blow the whistle if you are an employee, volunteer, trainee, active shareholder, person otherwise available to work under our control and direction, or a member of our administrative, management or supervisory bodies. Sub-contractors and suppliers of ours who become aware of wrongdoing can also report. It is also possible to blow the whistle via Whistleblowing if you have previously belonged to one of the categories of persons above but no longer do so or if you are in a process via A Society for any position under the above categories of persons.
Whistleblowing is only intended to report actual or suspected wrongdoing within A Society where there is a public interest in bringing it to light, such as
– Theft or vandalism
– Financial crime (e.g. false accounting, breach of internal control procedures or embezzlement)
– Bribery or corruption
– Data breaches
– Serious discrimination or harassment
– Serious misconduct affecting the vital interests of A Society
It also covers breaches of a wide range of laws and regulations based on EU law, such as public procurement, product safety, environmental protection, etc. Information relating solely to your personal work situation, such as dissatisfaction with your salary or similar, does not normally constitute a whistleblowing case and should not be reported through the service.
Reporting suspected wrongdoing does not require evidence, but it must be done in good faith and must not be based on rumors or hearsay.
Hur hanteras rapporteringen?
Rapporteringen hanteras konfidentiellt av ett utredningsteam från A Societys moderbolag Danir AB.
När du har skickat in en rapport genom Visslan får du ett bekräftelsemejl från utredningsteamet inom sju dagar. Utredningsteamet kan komma att ställa följdfrågor genom den krypterade chattfunktionen på Visslan. Därmed ber vi dig att spara den sextonsiffriga koden som du får i samband med att du lämnar in din rapport.
Koden är det enda sättet för dig att logga in på Visslan på nytt och följa din utredning.
Du får feedback inom tre månader från det att du startat upp din utredning med information om hur din utredning granskas och vilka följder den fått.